Inside of 1:1 coaching together, you’ll learn how to be confident and in control of you six figure income so that you can hit your money goals with restrictions.

Whether you are a business owner, professional or leader within your industry, I am here to help you create confidence and control with your money so you can enjoy your life and money now, without guilt, shame or restrictions.

Inside of 1 on 1 Coaching, we work on the following 4 areas together.

  • Money Neutrality

    Inside of 1 on 1 coaching, you learn how to heal your relationship with money so that you feel calm and neutral about money. This helps you to feel at peace with your current situation and day to day money interactions. Less shame, guilt and anxiety with money.

  • Money Confidence

    Inside of 1 on 1 coaching, you learn the skill of Money Confidence. Meaning you learn to feel confidence making DECISIONS with money, talking about money AND making more money in your business or in your profession.

  • Freedom Mindset Framework

    Inside of 1 on 1 coaching, you learn my signature Freedom Mindset Framework. With this mindset you truly become in control of your money, in control of your emotions around money and learn HOW to give yourself more options, freedom and possibility.

  • Money Intimacy

    Inside 1 on 1 coaching, you learn how to get intimate/involved with your money so you can SEE HOW you are going to make your goals possible. This is NOT budgeting. Money intimacy is all about seeing the day to day options with your money AND planning for your future adventures and endeavors and making them a possibility ahead of time.

Inside of 1 on 1 coaching:

  • We work together for 6 months. This is because inside of coaching - we do life together. Everything from moving, to job changes, to starting and growing business, babies being born, marriages starting and ending. 6 months gives us time to create the foundation for your relationship with money for the rest of your life.

  • Inside of coaching we meet weekly, so that we are consistently working together to build the skills and the relationship with money you want. Now, of course when you are on your next vacation, we can skip that week and pick up when you’re back ;)

  • In between our sessions you'll have support M-F, so you don’t have to wait to ask questions. I'll be with you side-by-side the whole way.

  • You have access to numerous exclusive resources created over years of working with clients. These resources are free and accessible to you 24/7 if you choose to use them.

What to expect during the consult:

The consult is an entire hour for you and I to get to know each other and to decide if 1 on 1 coaching together is a great fit.

  • During this call we discuss what results you WANT to create with your money, what’s been stopping you and we we create a plan together.

  • You will leave this consult with a simple plan for the steps you need to start feeling more confident and in control of your money NOW

Hi, I’m Mariah.

My first big money goal was to pay off my debt.

When I decided to pay off my debt, it was because I believed this was my key to financial freedom.

I paid off all 60k of my debt. In two years.

After about $40,000 of my $60,000 of debt was paid, I still found myself spending countless mornings, afternoons and nights checking my banking app, looking at my spreadsheets, spending lots of time budgeting, and trying to restrict myself…. All to just throw the plan out the window and feel like sh*t.

Then I finally realized.. My debt was never the problem.

The way I was thinking about my money and approaching my money WAS. I spent so much time and focus NEEDING to pay off my debt to “feel free”. It only made me feel more restricted and unsuccessful. I finally realized, I just wanted to feel IN CONTROL of my money and free to enjoy my life.

I paid off my debt, saved over $100,000 by 26 ad now I’ve helped clients to Start Saving Six Figures WHILE spending their money confidently now.

If you are ready to Save Six Figures While Spending Your Money With Confidence - schedule a consult.

Inside of 1:1 coaching, we work together for six months, 1 on 1, we coach on your money mindset AND a unique strategy FOR YOU, so that you can spend money without restrictions AND fund your Six Figure Savings.

On this free consult we decide if 1:1 coaching is the best fit for you. 

 You will leave this consult with a simple plan for the steps you need to Save Six Figures While Spending Your Money With Confidence. 

Click the link below to schedule.

Meet my client, Adrienne!

“Before coaching my goal was to focus on not using my credit cards and pay them off. I wanted to take control of my spending, and feel confident in the process.

Mariah’s Money Flow system has helped me gain control of my finances.

I can look ahead and plan purchases outside of spending budget while continuing to stick with the plan.

My confidence has soared like an eagle, not only in my finances but the flow system has slowed me to grow in other areas of my life.

Control was non essential before coaching. What’s control? I now know it’s the confidence to take action. Before coaching I was controlled by fear. I’ve turned fear into confidence and feel more in control than ever.

I’m most excited about the debt repayment strategy I’ve developed with Mariah and becoming in control of saving for emergencies, paying off debt, and working towards a vacation fund in the future.

I won when I signed up for coaching with Money Coach Mariah. It’s been an absolute delight learning and growing in my finances.”

-Adrienne Holmes

$100,000 was my BIG mind blowing goal.

I saved over $100k by 26 - and now I teach my clients how to hit their money goals while enjoying their money with confidence.

Click here to schedule a free consult and see if coaching is right for you.

More Client Wins!

  • Becka F.

    Becka paid off $5k of debt and learned how to BELIEVE in what is possible for her and keep going on her goals without giving up.

  • Robert

    Robert created a plan, saved and built the trust in himself to leave his 9-5 and pursue his own business. He generated more than half his entire previous year salary in 9 weeks.

  • Jake

    Jake built the confidence in himself to leave his successful job and make a career switch (and he did so successfully and is making MORE money).

  • Jaya Dixon

    Jaya ended her credit card cycle for GOOD - she went from spending up to $5k every year for Christmas to paying for Christmas this year WITHOUT credit cards AND paying cash for an 8 day trip to NYC in the new year.

  • Renne

    Renee paid off $8k of credit cards FOR GOOD after years of paying down some of the credit card and charging money back on it over and over again.

  • Lori Anderson

    Lori negotiated a 15k raise AND passed a challenging course to get her real estate license to pursue her own business.


Let’s Connect: Click one of the images below to hang out with me over on my Instagram.